My dear friend G's son turned 1 on the weekend! G kindly asked me to come up with a simple invite that reflected the theme of Giggle and Hoot, for his party. It was my pleasure to create a simple photo type invite in record time as we had 3 weeks to plan and organize this darling little mister's birthday. Along with G's sister L, (we have all been besties since high school) we are usually called the party queens amongst our other friends. We can't help that we LOVE to plan and throw a party! Especially a kids party! Now L is as just as obsessed with collecting things as I, mainly in the name of a gorgeous party theme, and G has some great ideas too, so you can imagine between the three of us, sometimes it's hard not too go overboard, but to strike a great organised balance, well we did it! Or at least I think so! The lolly table was very popular, as we're the delicious cupcakes made by L, I attempted to make Hoot cake pops, but they were a tad more challenging than I thought, but still tasted great! G made the bunting, using some free printables found on
Photos taken by Mandy Rodrigues Photography
Looks great Mandy!